Friday, October 14, 2011

BlackBerry Letter of "Apology" will they go down the drain?

As the iPhone 4S was launched one million units were sold. This was time for BlackBerry to stand strong as the chief Apple dreamer had passed on. Who will rule the roost in the next five years? The future that was almost decided is now there to challenge them. Or maybe even Steve left a list of the future technology Apple could use to outsmart BlackBerry. Suddenly fruits are fighting:

To All BlackBerry Customers:
I want to first apologise for the service interruptions and delays many of you have been experiencing this week. I also wanted to connect with you directly, give you an update on the service issues we are trying to solve, and answer some of the questions and concerns you've expressed.

You've depended on us for reliable, real-time communications, and right now we're letting you down. We are taking this very seriously and have people around the world working around the clock to address this situation. We believe we understand why this happened and we are working to restore normal service levels in all markets as quickly as we can.

Here is the current status of service and issues for the various regions that were impacted:
For Europe, Middle East, India and Africa (EMEIA):

- Email systems are operating and we are continuing to clear any back logged messages. Support teams are working to minimise the impact on our customers.
- BBM traffic is online and traffic is passing successfully
- Browsing is temporarily unavailable as the Support teams monitor service stability and continue to assess when this service can be safely brought online
-Support teams have added capacity to help with message delivery between regions and continents

We will provide regular updates on, and via our social channels. We are doing everything in our power to restore regular service everywhere and to restore your trust in us.

Yours sincerely,

Robin Bienfait
Chief Information Officer, RIM

--------Original Message--------

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