We all know (or should know) that certain
mobile phone behaviors are considered obnoxious. But did you realize these faux
pas can crush your love life? While certain instances of phone usage may be
inevitable- or even desirable- during a date, many lapses of etiquette are
major turn-offs, according to a survey from Zoosk, a social-dating site.
Hint: If you spend more time staring at
your phone screen than gazing into your date's eyes, you could be in trouble.
In many cases, survey respondents say they'll walk out on a date if the phone
behavior is too intrusive. Unfortunately, too many single folks are clueless
about how offensive such displays can be. "The unwritten rules of
mobile-phone use are clearly being abused," says Alex Mehr, co-founder and
co-CEO of Zoosk. "It's our hope that singles follow proper cell phone
etiquette." Oh, another thing guys: Ditch the headset and phone-belt clip
before the date, OK? It is so not sexy. More than 3,240 single people took part
in the research.
Looks That Kill
86% of survey participants say
"constantly glancing" at a device is the most offensive phone-related
behavior by a date.
Date Now, Text Later
73% of respondents say sending a text is
the worst phone-related activity someone can do during a date.
Send To Voicemail
51% of survey participants feel that taking
call is the most offensive mobile-phone behavior during a date.
Check Please!
33% of those surveyed say they have left a
date early because the other person was too absorbed with their device.
L8-er Loser
25% of women have dumped a guy via text, as
opposed to only 15% of men.
Dulcet Tones
73% of survey respondents like getting
voice mail from their date, as opposed to 27% who prefer a text.
Biggest Mobile Turnoffs
Annoying/obnoxious ringtone (cited by 49%)
You Lost Me at "Hello"
68% of participants say it's a no-no to
check-in on Foursquare or other social platforms when arriving on a date.
Generational Divide
55% of those over age 30 don't like date
pics posted to social sites; just 35% of those 30 and younger agree.
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